

Many thanks to all those who contribute to the channel! A little insight into some of our regulars:

Clueless Mike
‘The Red Menace’

Mike seems to love all things 40k and red. Blood Angels, Khorne, even his Catachans are painted red – an amazing jungle camouflage as I am sure you can imagine. He has a channel of his own.

Jason - Gaming Knights

A massive board game fan, and commission painter you can find Jason on his YouTube channel.


As well as appearing on the show from time to time playing mainly Games Workshop games, Jimotehk plays a range of TCGs and RPGs.

The Blundering Bishop

Part-time gamer and aspirant chess Grand Master, he has a channel of his own.

'The Original'
James Workshop

Long before the imposter on the GW channel, we had our very own James Workshop. As well as appearing regularly on the channel he also helps out with some editing in the videos and created our fine intro sequence.